Thursday, November 23, 2006 - 1:14 am

Unanswered Questions

Sometimes, strange things do happen, don't they? Things that keep you wondering. Like an story with a missing chapter. You want to know what's going on. You can't just not give a heck about it and proceed.

Perhaps, you'll never know what's written there, because you're not meant to know. Or, perhaps, you'll just have to figure out what's "supposed to be there". Or, better, just elaborate it anyway you like.

Whatever is kept away from you, is at best, left that way. Don't insist for an answer. Curiosity, in this case, isn't exactly the right mode. After all, that's the reason curious felines get killed.
"A Rubix Cube is like a dick. The more you play with it, the harder it gets."
Nevertheless, the guessing game just isn't less tricky a business. You may keep guessing, but at the end of the day, you'll only be further away from the truth. I've never been good at this. Heck, I don't even understand myself well and now, I'm trying to dive into the psyche of someone else and dig for whatever is hidden down there?

If you don't know the answer, you just can't tell how wrong you are, right? Might as well let it be so, then...


Cheng Eng Aun said...

Sometimes I was flouting the barrier and in the end everyone gets hurt...

And there's the saying "It is the safest to follow the middle course"

So, conservatism prevails?


K.O.J.A. said...


Humans exist to find answers. If you do not even have this reason in your life, then disappear.

Old ideas should be purged. New ideas should be revolutionised.

This is living. The other is extinction.

Kryptos said...

I've found the answer to my question. and it appears that i had a good guess. but now, because of the revelation, i'm facing another dilemma.

K.O.J.A. said...

Ask Jesus. He'll help you

Kryptos said...

I've decided what to do. Just that it's not time yet.