Wednesday, September 07, 2005 - 10:54 pm

You’ve Got Spammed!

Whoever he is, the weird thing is Bob somehow gets the funny idea that I’m by chance a sexually frustrated 19-year-old and offers to sell me Viagra to spice up my sex life.
“That’s ridiculous! Which perverted nerd would spam a blog?” I retorted.

It was only a few days back when I seriously doubt someone would actually spam a blog by posting ridiculous comments.

“That’s what spambots do. They crawl over the Net, searching for unfortunate preys and spam their blogs the same way spammers do through spam mails,” the encyclopaedic Tan Sri elucidated. For some reason, I was imagining an arachnidan spider or something similar to the squid-like sentinels from the Matrix haunting the cyber space. But, of course, that silly representation is by no means close to the real-life perverted individuals who spam for a living.

He added, “This is done primarily because the comments are taken into account by search engines.”

Okay, sounds reasonable. But still, I couldn’t conceive the idea – until yesterday.

To be chosen by a spammer out of a million blogs out there, I really don’t know if I should consider myself lucky or the other way round. I have no idea whether it was a spambot or an unscrupulous pervert who did that but the point is, it stepped on my toes and I shall make no bones about my disdain for spammers out there!

I love Gmail mainly because of the sheer size it offers. Then the other thing is the strong anti-spam feature that sends virtually every spam mail to the bin. So does Yahoo! Mail.

Anyway, once in a while, when I have nothing better to do, I’d get the itch to check the spam mails, which to my surprise, are mostly from someone called Bob. Nope, I have neither a distant relative nor an acquanintance by that name. Whoever he is, the weird thing is Bob somehow gets the funny idea that I’m, by chance, a sexually frustrated 19-year-old and offers to sell me Viagra at a cheap price to spice up my sex life. Which idiot would jump at such a scam? Heck! I’m still going strong, to begin with!

And now, there’s another spammer in my comments page who offers to help me on various subjects ranging from “dating a blogger”, getting health information and downloading fabulous adwares, providing a couple of links. Gah! As if someone is gullible enough to click on them!

Personally, I know some who constantly spam others’ Chatterbox with crazy monologues. There is an indigenious Maori King, a Hang Tuah, a couple of MIBs, a Martian, Ultraman, Power Rangers… The list goes on and on…

Still, Chatterbox spammers do not irk me that much. In fact, I pity them, for they may be in urgent need of psychological help. Afterall, no healthy man would engage in such extensive monologues as those I’ve encountered.

Alright, so long for now! Signing off. (Hmm… whose Chatterbox should I spam today?)


Tan Sri said...

Safe from spam no one is ...
deny it u cannot....
turn on word verification
only hope u hv left

Kryptos said...

yeah, it's advisable to turn it on. but it will be very inconvenient when d others wish to post their comments.

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