Sunday, September 04, 2005 - 7:18 pm


A lie can be half-way round the world before the truth has got its boots on. ~Jim Callaghan
I’m fed up with this! Everywhere I look, the world is just full of lies!

Ye who hath told lies are all sinful; ye who think otherwise, give thyself a kick in the butt, for thy denial is a lie by itself.

Who does not tell lies? The man who claimed to be the divine son of God? Or the supposed Prophet who went around propagandising but practised not what he preached? Or the One who boasts of His omni benevolence, omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence?

There are lies everywhere, even the Holy Book is not spared, for it did not arrive by fax from the Holy One, but a deception commissioned by sinful men as part of their ploy to brainwash the foolish multitude and rally them for a selfish, and unholy cause.

They accuse each other of pagan and Devil worshipping. But who is Devil if not the creation of sinful men? What is hell if the object of such lively imagination is not meant to instill fear among the blind ones and shepherd them like docile sheep?

What is told to us is only a feeble attempt to explain the unexplainable; they themselves are in no better position to aide us in communing with the great architect.

It is depressing to find that our basis of trust and faith is founded upon solid, big fat lies instead of truthfulness. Indeed, the evil vice grips us firmer than it is comfortable. Just take a look… those people around you… aren’t they liars as well?

He who tells white lies is omni benevolent because by doing so, he perceives that he is supposedly sparing one from embarrassment and unnecessary distress. But does the truth really hurt? Is ignorance blissful?

He who tells lies is omniscient because lying, is in its own right a craft hard to perfect. He must have a thorough knowledge of the labyrinth of the human psyche in order to manouevre the blind to his cause.

He who tells white lies is omnipotent because by blindfolding his prey, he has the ultimate power of shepherding the unaware through the gullet of the wolf. A liar who is adept in his trade is capable of anything.

He who tells lies is omnipresent because he is all around us and each and every one of us is one of his kind. He comes in different forms: the politician who butters his empty promises, the mentor who imparts his biased views to his protégés, the preacher who is hypocritical in his teachings, the holier-than-thou man who brags about his status of divinity.

Civilisation is rotten to its very core. Unconditional trust has lost its ground.

Hear ye! Hear ye! I demand the naked truth, not nonsensical lies! Yea, especially thou who lie without a twitch!


Anonymous said...
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K.O.J.A. said...

your comment box is spammed, apparently....

Anonymous said...
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Kryptos said...

stupid spammer

Kryptos said...

Heck! What have I done??? I swear that no connotations were intended when I first chose the title for this post! In fact, I wasn't even aware of it until just now.
What I did was writing down the title up-side-down, and read it from right to left - Gosh! And I got something which is of particular significance.
No, no, no! I have to reiterate that both of them have no relation whatsoever! The title ISN'T encrypted!