Monday, June 06, 2005 - 2:45 pm

Echoes in the Head

People with schizophrenia may also experience hallucinations (false sensory perceptions). People with hallucinations see, hear, smell, feel, or taste things that are not really there. ~Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005

Help! They’re driving me mad!

Hey, excessive gaming may be one reason for over-brain activity during bedtime, thus leading to loss of sleep. But hearing echoes of songs in the head is another matter!

Everything begins quite innocently by listening to a nice song. At first, I’d hum along with the melody. That inadvertently leads to learning the lyrics by heart and this is where the problem starts to come in.

You see, I don’t listen to songs frequently. It is could be due to my strict taste that makes it hard for me to find songs that suit me. So, once in a while, when a really nice one comes about, I’ll play it in the mind ad nauseam. I just can’t help it!

Even when I’m trying to get to sleep, the song would just repeat itself as if the player is in the “repeat” mode.

Can someone please hit the “stop” button and let me have a good sleep?

Luckily, this phenomenon doesn’t lasts long – a couple of weeks, at most. But even after that, certain things can still trigger it: a friend humming the song, for instance.

I once told a friend that listening to a particular song (I’m not going to state which one) gets me into a nostalgic mood. (I guess it’s the lyrics that I like.) Then, one day he got into “singing mood” and sang non-stop when we were walking along a street in KL. I had to stop him when he came to that song I was talking about. I don’t know if he did that on purpose, but I do remember the cheeky look on his face. And I believe he’s grinning as he’s reading this!

Here’s a list of the top ten Chinese songs that used to or still stick to my head. You’ve been warned!

  1. 幸福车站 – 欧得洋
  2. 孤单北半球 – 欧得洋
  3. 童话 – 光良
  4. 握你的手 – 光良
  5. 第一次 – 光良
  6. 勇气 – 梁静茹
  7. 分手快乐 – 梁静茹
  8. 依然是朋友 – 宇恒
  9. 我不难过 – 孙燕姿
  10. 没有人 – 曾宝仪
Here are the lyrics for the top three songs.

幸福车站 – 欧得洋
准备好了吗 九月九号九点九分两个人就要出发
不带行李 也不带牵挂 向幸福车站出发
你看窗外啊 想不想一张又一张飞过了莫内的画
让我眼睛 也舍不得眨 都因为有你对吧
不管到哪 只要我身边有你就对够了 就够了

票根是一句回答 说跟着我你就不怕
橱窗里那间白纱 何时为我穿上了它
只有真心的傻瓜 在终点为你盖个家
爱到有了白发 You're still my love

所有的恋人啊 幸福站快到了 别忘了真心啊
幸福站快到了 下站请带着它 幸福站快到了

孤单北半球 – 欧得洋
用我的晚安陪你 吃早餐 记得把想念 存进扑满
我 望着满天星在闪 听牛郎对织女说要勇敢

别怕我们在地球的两端 看我的问候
骑着魔毯 飞 用光速飞到 你面前

少了我的手臂当枕头 你习不习惯
我会耐心地等 随时欢迎你靠岸

少了我的怀抱当暖炉 你习不习惯
世界在大两颗真心就能 互相取暖
想念不会偷懒 我的梦通通给你保管

童话 – 光良
忘了有多久 再没听到你 对我说你 最爱的故事
我想了很久 我开始慌了 是被我又做错了什么

你哭着对我说 童话里都是骗人的
也许你不会懂 从你说爱我以后
我的天空 星星都亮了

我愿变成童话里 你爱的那个天使
张开双手 变成翅膀守护你
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里

我要变成童话里 你爱的那个天使
张开双手 变成翅膀守护你
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里

我会变成童话里 你爱的那个天使
张开双手 变成翅膀守护你
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里



Tan Sri said...

hmmmm.. i am only well aquainted with Fairy Tale and Lonely Northern Hemisphere

Wei Zhi said...

aah.. i hv 7 out of 10 songs from ur list playing in my head.. not to mention the recent ones i dlded thx to tst's recomendation and my own 'tak boleh tahan must download'ness... :P

Kryptos said...

hey, theam, u should listen to more songs instead of hanlemale all the time ;P

What other songs do u recommend, dan? U know, i seldom visit cd shops

sjune said...

dan,what programme u use to dl songs?bittorent?

i'm using ares....its fast tho,but not many chinese songs there

Wei Zhi said...

ahh... go to then click on the mp3 icon.. below the search bar u can navigate to top 200 singers or top 500 songs page.. lots of nice nice songs there worth trying out :)

i particularly liked guang liang's songs... dunno if u heard them b4 or not but 'ji de wo ai ni', 'xiang zhuo zou xiang you zou', 'xin gan qing yuan' r not bad... also got leo ku's 'hao xiang hao xiang'... go try them out :P

Kryptos said...

I have 向左走向右走. I'll go look for d others. thx.
btw, here's a website where u can upload files (including mp3s) up to 50Mb.
*^* maybe u can upload ur songs there and share it with us!;P

Kryptos said...

Yay! is great!!! thx, buddy!

sjune said...

erh....whats w the websites?i dun really get it

amphibian sp. said...

baidu is nice but i wish there's a site where i can dl mp3 str8 to my hard disk?

sjune said...

i can't even get to listen the songs

Wei Zhi said...

hmm... i might go open a space in as krypt says :P got some pretty nice songs wif me.. hehe

u can actually dl songs directly from baidu leh... juz click on the links and it shud be dlded into ur hard disc... if it doesn't work try right clicking it n select save target as

Tan Sri said...

it is , however, extremely slow..

Kryptos said...

looks who's complaining while this guy is stuck with a stone age dial-up internet connecttion...

Tan Sri said...

in the case of baidu, it doesnt matter wat connection u hv....
the highest ever speed i got was about 10 kb/s which is about slightly faster than a dial up
in most cases its about 4 kb/s which is dial up territory

sjune said...

erhm,is there any programmes such as kazaa ares or bittorent which got chinese songs?

ares got a lot of english songs but not many chinese songs lei.

hmmmm,i think i m really stupid.i used to have bittorent but i dunno how to use :P

raptor_ravenlord said...

i wonder who dat fren is :P
THIS one sure has a cheeky grin rite now tho :D
btw...which kl trip u'r referring to? not the just-passed one i suppose...unless u hv the power of foresight like emperor palpatine