3rd February, the second snowfall of the year in Tokyo. It has been snowing
cats and dogs for about half a day now. And it's way heavier than two weeks ago. In fact, more than enough snow piled up for making snowmen!
Somewhere at the end of the street, lives the hentai snowmen family...
Hentai Snowboy: Papa, it sure is snowing cats and dogs!
Hentai Snowpapa: Indeed, it is... Indeed, it is...

Hentai Snowboy: But, papa, why are those people still hiding in their homes? Shouldn't they come out and have fun?
Hentai Snowpapa: Because, unlike us, son, humans are feeble animals. They catch colds easily. That's why they hate snow.

Snowpapa: See? That idiot is already freezin'.
Snowboy: Brrrrr...

Hentai Snowpapa: Well, there are some exceptions though... Like, people whose circuitry went haywire.

Hentai Snowboy: Why are these humans taking our photos? Are we celebs?
Hentai Snowpapa: No, they probably haven't seen a
deek before. (Rolls eyes)

Hentai Snowpapa: You freakin' morons! Us no God of Fertility, 'kay?
Hentai Snowboy: Papa, what's a God of Fertility?

Hell, winter sure is getting better!