Thursday, March 01, 2007 - 10:58 pm

Major Feng Shui Reconfiguration

Everyone has a one-trillionth chance of getting his head struck by a stray meteorite, resulting in a faulty bolt or two in the brain. Statistically impossible. It is statistically possible (due to certain reasons), however, to get a suddenly impulse to do something crazy once in a while. For my case, the culprit wasn't a rock from outer-space. Instead, I was enlightened by Albert from Marshall Islands.

Well, I've heard of how different his room is from the others. But, it wasn't until recently that I, being one of the few special guests invited to a "movie-viewing session" cum "5.1ch-speakers-show-off-party" - he got them in the afternoon - had the honour to enter his room and confirm for myself the legend.

Guess what, he has his bed disassembled (so he's sleeping on the floor and lay it against the wall every morning). And, the arrangement of the table is in such a way that he could fit six chairs in the room to cater for his special guests.

"Hey, I didn't know you can move the table!" I, the ignorant lad exclaimed in awe.

"Well, you just have to remove four screws." Albert shrugged.

"Shucks! I've been here for one year and yet..."

"Don't worry. You still have three weeks to fool around!" the guy replied nonchalantly.

And, this ignorant lad was thus enlightened by the holy sage.

"Here, my young one. Take this set of tools with you. It may come in handy..."

The enlightened lad returned to his room, scanned around, and shook his head in disbelief.

"I've to give this room a major make-over!" he promised. "Even if it's just for three weeks!"

But it wasn't easy. Firstly, he had to remove his stuff from the shelves.

Then the screws... Two from the bottom... (By the way, this is a good place for your secret stash)

And two more from the top.

After that, voila! He gave the table a pull, and (drumrolls) it came off!

But, now came the toughest part. It was a challenge to move the table and the bed around in such a crammed space. So, he took out a piece of paper and a pencil, made a simple sketch and did some calculations.

He then moved the table thus.

And the bed thus.

Then with the blessings from the tooth-fairy and the dust bunnies, he somehow managed to align the bed and the table this way.

Fresh, new look! He beamed in satisfaction. It was 2.30 in the morning. It took him almost 2 hours. And he has to wake up at 7 in the morning to get ready for the bus trip. So, he eventually called it a day.

Unfortunately, weird things always happen to pitiful people. The poor lad was rudely awaken in the morning when a dictionary mysteriously fell off the rack and struck his head.

He jumped off from his bed and had a quick look around.

"Hmm... Not good enough..." Squinting his eyes, he had something new hatching in his head again. Having said that, he started working once more. It took him more effort this time because he has to change the direction of the bed from one end to the other end. But, he got some help from the boogeyman living under his bed, and the job was done in no time.

Okay! Cool! The room shall stay this way for the rest of the three weeks... Well, provided that the poor lad doesn't fall off from his bed and hurt his head again...


phyee86 said...

Wah.... need boh....
Just left 3 weeks n u still want to change ur room until like tat....
But i like ur style, hahahah!

Kryptos said...

They're entering our rooms for a routine check on the fire alarms... I hope they won't tell me "dame!"