Monday, May 08, 2006 - 6:06 pm

Tokyo National Museum

Tokyo National Museum (東京国立博物館) is ten-minutes'-walk away from the Ueno JR Station. We managed to make it two hours before its closing time.

(Above:) The Main Building.

(Above:) Tōyokan (東洋館) Asian Gallery.

Visitors are not allowed to switch on the flash while taking photots in the museum. So, with the poor lighting, I could only get blurry pictures... Then, there were certain sections where we were not allowed to take photos at all.

Buddha Statues

Egyptian Artefacts

Chinese Artefacts

(Above:) An unidentified animal.

Japanese Artefacts

(Above:) Samurai armour.

(Above:) Japanese kimono.

(Above:) Japanese bow and arrows.

(Above:) Noh mask.

(Above:) A cannon ball stuck in a plank of wood which used to be part of a castle.

(Above:) This is what the museum used to look like.

(Above:) The Emperor's visit to the park when it was first opened.

(Above:) Ueno park in the olden days.

- 03 May 2006, Wednesday -

1 comment:

grassonleaf said...

wah...great photos...god luck in your coming exam...gambate!