How seldom does prediction fail, when evil!
How oft, foretelling good!
~ Pedro Calderón de la Barca
This is the third time I’m watching the Matrix Revolutions, yet I never get enough of it. Full of philosophical lines that keeps the mind stimulated and packed with actions that keeps adrenaline pumping, it is the best trilogy, rivalled neither by The Lord of the Rings nor Star Wars. (I especially like the witty lines by Agent Smith, the Oracle, the Architect and Merovingian.)
Of course, the story ends with Zion being eventually saved. But, back in reality, an impending doom hangs over me like a sword of Damocles: the exam is no more that two weeks away! Gasp! And I haven’t quite started my revision! Blame it on the television, addictive blogging, the luxury of sleeping…
“Exams? So what’s the big deal? Start revising now!” you say. But the problem is, I can always find time for other things but when it comes to homework and revision, the mind gets exceptionally supine.
I think this personal gripe of mine is not of much interest to you, for the same reason that it is not of much interest to me to write about. But, I’m sure the subject of apocalypse would arouse the attention of almost everyone.
You see, once upon a time, back in the 12th century, there lived an Irish bishop, Saint Malachy. He purportedly prophesied the identities of 267 popes after Innocent II. This soothsaying business ran so squeaky-clean that until now, dear Malachy has a track record of 100% accuracy (or at least 99.99%). So, it is arguable that Malachy is as good as fellow seer-cum-poet, Nostradamus. In fact, some people claim that the “prophecy of the popes” was actually created by Nostradamus himself.
So, what does this business have to do with the end of the world?
Assuming that the prophecy isn’t forgery; assuming that Gloria Olivae points to Benedict XVI; assuming that the last final, longest motto is part of the original prophecy (some doubt so); assuming that Saint M is not a sadist who enjoys scaring the guts out of his pitiful believers; then, the upcoming 267th pope, Petrus Romanus will be the last pope before Armageddon.
“In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oues in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis ciuitas septicollis diruetur, & Iudex tremêdus iudicabit populum suum. Finis."
Translation: During the final persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep in many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed, and the terrible Judge will judge his people. The End.
Hmm… But that’s a lot of assumptions… So in the meantime, you can just set the matter aside. Remember to help mom to bring out the garbage every night… Pray to God after brushing your teeth… And go to bed early…
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