Of course, not to forget, there's the library, which is where I am currently. We're given a computer account each, with which we are to log on to in order to access the network drive and to surf the net.
It's a four-storey building full of books, books and books. The first floor (一階, ikkai) looks like an art gallery with a sculpture of a naked body and a mini don't-know-what-for book exhibit.
The books are all well organised, according to their index number. The whole of the third floor is solely for Japanese references in all sorts of field; the fourth floor is for books (mostly literature, I think) written in foreign languages. You name it, they have it.
There is even a section which looks like a mini cafeteria (right). But, it's for studying, of course.
A photo taken from the fourth floor.
Oh, there's also the media room full of computers (パソコン, pasokon). And yes, those are all LCD monitors. There're roughly forty units in that room alone. Then, there's like another forty units in another section on the top floor and several rooms equipped with computers for group discussion. So, I think it's justified enough to say that the library is also full of computers, computers and computers.
Yes, we do have computers in the library back in the International House. But those are really lousy ones, trust me. Plus, the library is nothing more than a study room. Well, at least, there's a heater.
Another thing about the computers is that the keyboards have a slightly different layout. Luckily, that's only for the punctuations. So, sorry if there's any typo!